Ascending the head space and contemplating the view
Read MoreComing home to the core.....
Read More"Everyone looks different at the end of a practice! Tension is released from faces, brows un-furrow and people just seem more open and released. There is a quality of softness, ease and openness and usually lots of smiling"....
Read MoreBoxes, labels, language. Those of us who work in the field of dance and movement however are more than most put in a box "Twirlies, prancers or touchy feely types"....
Read MoreI have been "walking with" the children of Marine Park Primary School in South Shields for 12 years. I experience walking as a way of waking; waking up to our full embodied selves, to noticing what's really real..... saying less and listening more.
Read MoreNot Going Out, Going In. A spacious and deeply calming way to start your weekend whether you intend to potter or party.
Read MoreA curiosity about fieldwork is a developing area of interest, what it means to me and what it means to geographers. To begin with the geography department itself was the place in which I conducted fieldwork, watching and listening
Read MoreA workshop that will combine yoga, somatics and yoga Nidra. Paula will blend yoga postures with her many years of practicing and teaching somatic movement techniques.
Read MoreMore experiments with everyday choreography.....joining , attuning, blending and celebrating...
Read MoreLast week's activation/observation and contemplation of being present in a "passing" space was full of richness, synchronicity and exchanges......the poetry of everyday choreography.
Read MoreThe form, function and feeling of the lecture theatre.What "lecture" would our bodies do we RE-MEMBER our physical selves in this place?
Read MoreBeing in a very large institution can be intriguing for one used to practicing mainly in community halls, hospital wards, day centres, classrooms, gardens and fields.
Read MoreA plea for reflective practice. Just recently I have had a lot of researchers, academics, artists and students watching what I do and or asking about what I do and why...
Read MoreExploring the territory of the Geography Department
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